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Music Theory

Helen has extensive knowledge on the current ABRSM grade examinations for Music Theory. With a degree in music and a PGCE in Secondary Education, Helen has extensive knowledge in delivering music theory.

When Associated Board decided to re-do the syllabus back in 2020, she decided to put herself (again) in for the grade exam so she could understand what kind of examination her students would be doing.

She can get students through exams, provided they are committed to their studies. We will work through from grade 1 to 5 at your pace, making sure that the candidate understands fully what is expected of them.

One to one tuition (live or online) can be arranged, intensive courses are available. For intensive courses, you are expected to understand and retain information so that you can apply this knowledge to your chosen instrument. This is not to just pass an exam, this is to understand fully your music so that you can understand intention of the music.